Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Boys Will Play...

The boys have been sleeping in the same crib up until a couple of weeks ago when I pulled out the playpen to seperate them. With all their rolling and army crawling, they just weren't falling asleep anymore! Well, it turns out they miss each other, cuz even though they're not in the same crib, they are in the same room and I swear they've developed their own morse code with stomping the mats back and forth. So now it takes a while for them to wind down and fall asleep, and I don't mind. Who am I to not let them interact while they're still happy?

One night, they were taking a particularly long time to settle, so Miles went up to check on them. He grabbed Austin out of the crib and as they passed the pen where Lincoln was, Austin practically jumped out of Miles' arms to see him! So he placed them together, and this is what we got! The first real noticeable interaction between them.

Austin thought he was pretty clever taunting Lincoln with his soother:

This is an especially great video because the boys laugh out loud so rarely. Even with tickling it's like forcing water from a rock...

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