Monday, August 30, 2010

Taking Control

Alma 38:12

"Use boldness, but not overbearance; and also see that ye bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love; see that ye refrain from idleness."

So many little nuggets in this scripture - let's discuss.

"Use boldness, but not overbearance"
How true is that? It's okay to be strong minded and strong willed, but not at the cost of others - don't be overbearing, don't put others down and be condescending when stating your thoughts and convictions.

"bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love"
This makes me think of Elder Holland's talk this last April conference, Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul. He gives quite some time to discussing love vs lust, the differences of how it feels and how it looks and how it affects us. He talks about how love and lust can't co-exist, how one is selfless while the other selfish.
When I was a teenager, I had this scripture in my bedroom, to remind me that love is a reward. Love is what you get when you work and put forth effort. It may not always come easy, but pure love is always worth it.

This can be applied to romantic love, as well as love for a friend or family member, love for a job or career, love for a hobby and even love for service.

Bridleing your passions means to not let your desires run away with you. Don't place wants before needs, play before work. Take control and put your life in order. In doing so, you can pick out the activities that you participate in that are timewasters, and find the activities that are fulfilling and rewarding. Don't be 'rid' of your passion, if you truely love it and it truly fulfills you. Just be tempered, take control of it instead of it controling you. Your life will be clean and there will be more room for love.

"see that ye refrain from idleness"
Well, that's just good advise and makes good sense. What good ever came from lazing around?

What are your thoughts?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prime Directive

Is this term familiar to anyone? If you're a trekkie it will be. The Prime Directive is the foremost law that Star Fleet is governed by. As they explore strange new worlds and encounter other civilizations and life forms, the Prime Directive prevents certain actions, minimizing interference. Although Star Fleet is a peaceful organization, one of science and discovery, they are committed to allowing cultures to develop on their own and will not interfere with the natural course of a civilization, planet or habitat.

This is a very sound law. They seek life and value all of it, but will not interfere with its development or destruction, because the path of learning and growing without outside influence is how civilizations progress.

If we were to apply this to our world in our time (2010, not 2374) do those nations with more technology and understanding have a place to interfere with those who have less? Take for example the US military involving themselves in the civil disputes of Africa and the Middle East. There is genocide and our perception of inappropriate behaviour toward women. They have grown and developed separate from us and have cultivated different values and beliefs.

We cherish the value of a human life and hate to see captivity and injustice. But our interference will change the course of their development, and it may not be in good favour.

Food for thought: should we be where we are not wanted, enforcing the values we've come by on our own onto others, changing the evolutionary course of their learning and development? Or do we allow a seemingly barbaric nation to continue on its path as we stand and watch, waiting for the plea of help where we are welcome and they are ready?