Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wedding Bliss

 My brother is MARRIED!!! Congrats, Dennis and Chelsea, life will be great!! (don't let the getting sick freak you out...at least it held out for another day!)

Just so you know, I'm a terrrible sister and blogger, and I totally didn't bring my camera. I'm anxiously awaiting for Facebook photos so I can post some here. There are already some uploaded that I can steal.

The day was beautiful. The sealer, Brother Hansen, spoke wonderfully about being married. One of the things he advised was to no longer think about "me" and "I", from now on think in "we" and "us". And isn't that true? When we truly give our lives to someone else, we really want what's best for them before what's best for ourselves.

I know I'm not good at that so much, but someone who is, is my dad. He always puts my mom and us (6!) kids before him. That's why it's so easy to love him! They'll be going on to 35 years of marriage next month. Now that's what I want. I want to be able to say I have always done everything I could to make my marriage strong and amazing.

Here's Dennis and Chelsea - love, life, joy and happiness.  XOXOXO

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Anticipation of an MC

Well, my brother's getting married. IN TWO DAYS!! How exciting! We'll be decorating the church tomorrow, helping Leia with her cupcakes (stay tuned for info on her new blog!) and driving down to my Grandma's in Raymond for a family dinner - which are always so delish at Grams' house.

Then: Saturday 11am - wedding in Cardston, photos, back to Calgary to help Leia with trays and trays and trays of goodies.

Once that's done, I need to get into my new fabulous dress. Because everyone's gunna be looking at me. And no, I'm not just saying that because of my narsicism. Dennis and Chelsea asked if Miles and I would MC. And when I say Miles and I, I mean me. Because I love the spotlight! When people aren't looking at the Bride (and groom) they'll be watching me.

As much as I love the limelight, this is a lot of pressure. The MC sets the tone of the reception as is pretty much the catalyst of whether it's a good time or a bad time. Yikes!! And since I do have a tendency to ramble on about myself....well...that's why they asked Miles - he's good at keeping me in line, you see!

So as I'm getting my dress fitted and revising my notes, I'm feeling all flustery and excited and nervous and happy. But really - the day is all about Chelsea. And Dennis. I'm just there to make it flow. No pressure!