Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy 6 Months, Little Men!

I'm forewarning you: I've become very bad at keeping up with the photos! The following is fuzzy, but you get the idea...

Well here we are, at 6 months. I both embrace and fear it. I'm not about to say it passed in the blink of an eye, because I can see where the 6 months went, but although I don't feel it's "too fast" I wish their littleness lasted a little longer. The doc gave the okay for solid foods, and from there there's no going back. At least when I'm their sole food source, they're still my babies. But here we go, they're gaining indepedance and strength and that means they're breaking away from me. As excited as I am at their good health and progress, I have a little mourning to do...

But enough whining, here they are at 6 months:

Austin: 12lbs, 15oz. 64 cm
Lincoln: 12lbs, 12oz. 62 cm
That's right! Where there was once a 2lb gap, Lincoln has successfully closed it to 3oz. And he's got the cutest little fat roles on his legs. Way to go!! It was a team effort tho, Austin's slowing down and waiting for Lincoln to catch up, like a good big brother :)

They're both rolling from their fronts to their back. When turn from back to front tho, they both stop at their sides and need a little push to be on the their front.
Sitting up while assisted.
Grabbing at their toes.
Giggles of laughter, tho this is few and far between. I found Lincoln's legs to be tickling, but in my excitment, I've left some bruises. Oops!
grabbing at toys and examining them.
Watch the cars go by out the window.
Sleeping 11-12 hours at night.
Respond to their names.
Stuffing anything and everything into their mouths!
So many more things, but I don't want to bore you.

Happy Birthday, Austin and Lincoln, you're both doing so well and I'm so proud of you :)


  1. they are getting so big! i sure love those little men.

  2. They are 6 months already!!! No way! I need to come see them asap. YOu guys should come over one sunday evening. I can barely tell who is who now cuz Lincoln has caught up and grown so much!
