Sunday, December 18, 2011

Special Day

Yesterday Miles and I celebrated a wonderful 7 years of wedded bliss together. It started out with by going to the mall to get me a very special something, then we went out to Griffen Valley Ranch for a wagon ride with horses and hay. It was a nice winter activity to do with the boys and my extended family.

We then went out for dinner with our friends Brandon and Jamie, as is our habit, since we share our anniversary with them.

My brother and sister-in-law, Dennis and Chelsea, were kind enough to babysit for us so we could have a carefree time. Thanks so much, guys!

It was a great celebration and I look forward to an infinite number of years to come and enjoying them with my ever growing family :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy 7 years to you two, it looks like you had a great day celebrating. I love the picture of the 4 of you, they are getting so big!
