Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today we took the boys in to get their vaccinations - 2 pokes in one leg and 1 poke in the other. My mom gave me  good tip: give them children's Tylenol about an hour BEFORE the shot - that way the painkiller has set in by the time they get assaulted.

We had a great night's sleep last night, boys went down at 8 and didn't wake til 4am to eat, then they were up at 8 again. I thought this put us on a great path to be in good moods for the shots. Well, they ate at 11 and were in a fine mood, until it was time to sleep again and they just wouldn't. Great! Start off getting poked over-tired, wonderful. Not to mention the appointment was right a feeding time, so tired AND hungry. I wasn't sure it was going to work out...

My mother-in-law, Maureen, helped to settle them so I could get something to eat before we left and they were fine in their carseats. Not one peep at the clinic. We took their weights (Austin - 11lbs 6oz, Lincoln - 9lbs, 14oz) and got ready to see the nurse.

I had started feeding Lincoln while we waited, thinking I would feed him while Austin got done then switch. This worked out pretty well. Besides the screaming from each of them as they got poked and the whimpering afterward, they've been pure champs. Now it's an hour later, we're at home and Lincoln's sleeping and Austin's smiling and playing with Grandma.

All in all, not so terrible so I forward the advise: you're gunna have to drug your kids anyway, so get a head start to make the process that much easier!


  1. that does sound like good preparation advice.

  2. We did the Tylenol before too for Joey's shots and that helped a lot. We go again on Monday for his 4 month shots.
