Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing to the World: Austin and Lincoln - Born Tuesday, Aug 9, 2011 at 11pm

Well, it happened. I had my babies! It came as quite a surprise, my water breaking at 4pm. I had to hurry home to prepare a hospital bag, because I wasn't expecting them for at least another 4 weeks! But off to the hospital Miles and I went, slightly numb from shock that this was happening already. I went in for a cesarean section (where they slice your belly open and grab the babies right out of you!) at 10:30pm. Here's Miles, getting ready to observe the carnage.

After Miles giving me a play by play as they sliced me open, both boys came out healthy, screaming their way into this world at 11pm. I was so happy to hear their lungs working so well!  However, they were born at 34 weeks and 5 days, late premature is what they called it. So after a quick glance, off they took them to be monitored and have IV's placed in them.

Out came Austin first at a healthy 5lbs even. He's already winking!

Then Lincoln followed, at 3lbs 15oz, which, let's be honest, is pretty much 4lbs. Yup, a pound of fat surely does make a difference on a new born.

They were concerned about the amount of laboring Lincoln had to do in order to breathe, so they helped him out by putting him on a cpap machine to push the air into his lungs to help them expand. They did the same for Austin, but he was off by the afternoon, and Lincoln was off in about a day. They also gavaged him (put a tube down his throat so food would go directly into his belly) but that didn't last too long, either. What a champ he was fighting through everything!!

I finally got to see and hold him for the first time the following afternoon.

Lincoln was also showing small signs of jaundice, so they put him under UV lights for about a day. Miles was jealous that he was tanning right away!

Austin was doing great, all he had was an IV making sure he was getting all the nutrients he needed. Unfortunatly it wouldn't stay in his hand, so they shaved a small part of his head and inserted it there. I'm a little sad he has a patchy haircut, but it'll grow back. Right??

By Friday afternoon, both were doing well enough that they transferred them from the Foothills Hospital to the Peter Lougheed Hospital. Their NICU is for less critical cases, which is great news for us :) Here they are in their new temporary home.

So Miles and I have been making daily trips to PLC to see our precious boys. We've given them baths, fed them, changed diapers, checked temperatures and all sorts of things. Mostly we hold them, because they need love and we want them to know who we are. To be honest, this is a pretty good transition/learning time for us.

Both have nursed, and after being bottle fed, Austin took real well. Lincoln still has a tough time getting to latch, but patience on both our parts and we persevere and are successful. 

Lincoln still has a tough time regulating his body temperature, so they have him on a heated waterbed to help him out. But there's progress! Every day they turn it down a little and he still maintains his proper temperature, so hopefully today it will be gone and he can hold his own. 

Both are so healthy and strong, and they love to have their hands up around their faces. Austin likes to hold his ear and Lincoln likes them curled up under his chin. Awwe!! 
All they need to do is show they're gaining weight regularily and then they can come home. Perhaps no longer than another week. Fingers crossed!!


Austin on the left, Lincoln on the right. (Yup, he needed a charming haircut, too)

Little Lincoln

So there's their first week. I'll do my best to keep my posts and photos up to date!


  1. Wow! Congrats you guys! What little miracles! I'm glad everyone is healthy! What a bummer about cutting the boys hair. At least they have hair to cut though! :)

  2. Oh my goodness they are precious!! I want to snuggle them right now!!! I am so glad everyone Is Doing well, I hope the boys Get to come home soon!! I will call you to chat when u get settled to get all the details! I love you and I am so excited for you guys!

  3. Congrats you two, or should I say four! They are so tiny, and just adorable! I can't wait to hear more. Here's hoping for a quick recovery for everyone!

  4. Aww Shani I'm so happy for you and your new family! I'm glad that you had the chance to blog about it ;) Congrats a gazillion times! You and Miles are going to be amazing parents and I hope to see you soon! Heart heart HEART!!!!

  5. Awe they are precious! Congrats guys! We're sooo happy for you. I'm glad they are such strong babies and are making excellent progress every day!!! YAY Can't wait to meet them.

  6. Shani, those boys are beautiful! I recall mentioning I didn't think you'd last more than a week after you left. You have to amazing and beautiful gifts from God. Enjoy motherhood!!!
