Saturday, February 9, 2013

Welcome Home, Daddy!

Yes, it's been a while. For no reason other than I haven't had the urge to write. But, my friends, Miles has captured a picture that forces me to break my silence. Here is the preamble:

When Miles comes home from work, I either see him coming up the walk and say "Daddy's home, go to the window!" or Miles will come knock at the window. Either way, the response is the same:

The boys stop what they're doing, look up and run up onto the couch beneath the livingroom window. Lincoln puts his hand on it and smiles while Austin will get up as high as possible and bang with both hands like an orangutang, with his mouth in a wide open grin and giggles. Miles coming home is the boys' favorite part of the day, and mine, too :)

Recently Miles has been blowing onto to the glass, and Austin has now copied this gesture. Miles caught it perfectly!

It's a good thing I value family fun time over clean glass, or I would go nuts. The finger prints and spit (mmmm) are a great reminder of how much the boys love their dad, and how much Miles loves to come home and see them. But really, the windows are due for a clean. Spring can't get here soon enough.

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