Okay, okay, I'm exagerating.
Let me back up a moment:
When it was time for me to return to work after Maternity Leave (which in Canada is a blessed year), I told them no, I would not be returning full-time. But that was hard for me. I was at my job for more than 4 years and I really liked it there; it was hard for me to cut those ties. I was also searching for a way that I could stay home and make some money, so we came to an agreement that should they ever need any extra service they needed to outsource - give me a call.
Well call they did! One of the executive assisstants was going to be out of the office so they asked if I would step in for a couple weeks. Well, the stars were aligned because Miles' mom, Maureen, had just arrived to stay for a while. After talking with her, and she being willing to play Super Grandma, I said "Yes! I'll do it!"
This also came at great moment in time because I was desperately searching for a change of pace and a two week road trip with me and the boys was high up on the list of possibilities and as much as I want to see my friends in far off places, making money trumps spending it and it provided the change of pace I was looking for.
Well, after just one week, let me tell you what I learned about myself and my family:
1. A change of pace only needs to be a couple of days to recharge my batteries.
2. It's much nicer to use the time during the day to keep on top of tidying the house rather than when I get home after already working a full day.
3. I miss my boys terribly and am sad when I think about all that I'm missing throughout the day.
4. I understand now why it's so nice for Miles to come home to clean house and dinner ready to go. It offers such a relaxing peaceful atmosphere, which is what your home is for after spending the day out in the world.
This experience of being away from my home and going into the office day in and day out, if only for a week or two, has reaffirmed to me that I am doing the best thing for me and my family in this moment by staying at home and taking care of the children and running the house.
I don't know how mothers who work a full time job then go home and put in another full shift do it. I have gained a respect for those who do, but I am glad that my husband and I both agree that me being at home is best for us.
So kudos to you modern day moms out there doing it all; I'll stay at home blissfully dawning my apron in all the glory of the 50's housewife.