Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Babies Ain't Babies No More

Well here we are, a year has past and what a wonderful year it was, too. I'm just gunna take a minute here and brag about my life - mostly because I can, but I also want people to know that all the horror stories going around about birth and babies and feeding and diapers and twins and - well you get where I'm going with this- it's not always so horrible.

Everything about my life has become so much richer because of Austin and Lincoln: my marriage, my family, my sense of fulfillment, everything.

Although I didn't want my babies to come early, or to have a c-section, and I certainly didn't want my babies away from me in the NICU, there are definite benefits that came from these and I know it helped me ease into motherhood gracefully.

The boys have been wonderful sleepers - I honestly can't remember any more than a handful of times they didn't want to sleep for their naps or at night. When they did wake at night to eat, they would always go right back to sleep.

They've been excellent eaters. Nursing on a schedule, eating full meals until their tummies burst and they're only allergic to milk, but very mildly at that.

They're so happy. They're only upset if they need a diaper change, are ridiculously tired, or are fighting over a toy, and all these are easily addressed.

With all these pros, I'm ready to have babies again right away. Give me twins, or TRIPLETS! We can do it :)

If there's anything I have to say is hard, it's - well - seriously, I'm thinking. Oh! Well, it's not hard, just an annoyance. The amount of stuff I have to pack around is crazy!!! I don't know what I would do without my minivan. If we go out for a night with friends and bring the boys it's: 2 booster seats, 2 playpens, 2 sleepers, 8 diapers, food, blankets, toys. I'm sure I'm missing something in there...

All my blessings aren't without gratitude, however. I have to give credit and thanks to all those who have donated or loaned baby clothes and gear and furniture, those who have ever babysat and given us food and gifts. And especially a big thank you to my husband, Miles, for all of his support and encouragement. My life is truly blessed because of all the support out there.

Okay, so maybe a little more than a minute to brag, but now I'll share their birthday party!!

I wanted to have it outside (hurray for summer birthdays!) and it had been so hot out we went to Prairie Winds Park because they have a wading pool. I found a nice shaded spot and family and friends showed up to celebrate.

My talented sister did the mini cupcakes and the giant cake for the boys - so delicious! You should check out her blog and order some.

The boys didn't really know what to do with this big huge blue lump in front of them but it was still neat to watch them figure it out. Later on they dug into the cupcakes pretty well.

Austin, Lincoln: I love being your mom, you two are the best anyone could hope for. And I promise to still love you when you keep me up late and drive me crazy :)

Love, Mom

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