About a month ago, it happened. Lincoln had started getting on the move, but we didn't quite know how determined he was to get from point A to point B. Let me give a little back story:
For those of you who know my husband well, you know he loves popcorn. But not inasmuch that he'll eat anything, he's a connoisseur of the popcorn. He's developed his own seasoning to fit his taste buds perfectly. It's a secret blend hot sauce, seasoning salt and cajun spice. And he's addicted, I swear.
Anyhow, the bucket was left of the floor from the night before, and I put Lincoln on the ground to deal with Austin, not realizing this bowl of Red Hot flavor was right there. Once I saw Lincoln had it, I was so worried he would lick it and be so upset by the hot spice shocking his little taste buds! But this is what I found, and he didn't seem bothered so "Wait!" I say, "get the camera!!"
I'm sure this satisfied his salt intake for the next month.
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