Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'll Force it if I Have To!

First of all, I should have taken pictures...

I love summertime. It's a well known fact that I am a child of the sunshine. I don't enjoy most winter sports. They're expensive, and I don't like to be cold. And warm winter-wear is expensive, and I don't like to be cold. I will go winter camping and have a good time, but it's been YEARS! And to be honest, unless my dad sets a plan and gets me ready, I'll probably never go again. (just not much of a planner, but I'm sure you knew that!)

My summers are full of events like going down to the river for a day by my aunt's house out the west end of the city. There we can bask in the sun, play in the water, do all sorts of happy summer activities. I also love to just sit and read in the sunshine whilst working on my tan and checking out the Stampede grounds. I'll even go a couple times if time and money allows.

The sad thing, is summer this last year just really wasn't that great. Had a some warm days, few hot days and they didn't always fall on the weekend.

To come back to present day, this weekend the sun came out to play, and the air was even co-opererating, wasn't tooo cold. The windows in my house face south and from 3-5pm, I get lovely warm sunshine on my living room floor. My husband has come home from work last week with me just lying there in the sun like a cat, soaking it all in, getting the warmth I so desperatly crave.

On Saturday, I took one step further: I made a delicious Orange Julius, sat in my indoor sunshine sipping from a straw while reading my summer recipes magazine and listening to my Summertime playlist on my ipod. Oh, that was a glorious 30 minutes!! Then I BBQ'd some burgers. MmmMm!

So: I believe that if I try hard enough and have enough patience, that summertime will come around eventually. And it will, cuz the calendar says so.

1 comment:

  1. Hey congrats on the little ones! And fyi while reading this I was thinking we are like the same person! Viva sun!
