Okay, so anyone who knows me knows that routine is not my friend. In fact, sometimes I go out of my way to not repeat myself (unless it comes to a steak dinner, that's always the same!)
Well, this morning, routine was my friend! I've been waking up at 5am since Monday this week to get ready for the day and such. Well last night I went to bed later than I wanted, and since today is not hair-wash-day, I could stand to sleep in a little bit.
I find myself waking to the realities of the world (the slight chill in the air of night-time temperatures, my husband has all the blankets, the faint street lights coming through the window) and gaze at the clock to find it's 5am ON THE DOT! Amazing! So I just lay there a little and enjoy not having the hear the irritating buzz of the alarm. Then I look at the alarm and find that I had set it for 5:25PM rather than AM.
So, friend Routine, you have come to my rescue and I will not argue with you anymore. If it's good and it works, why change it?
You must have sent your schedule over my way because I am waking up at 5 and can't go back to sleep, however, I have nothing to do so it is quite frustrating!!!!