Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Myers Family Christmas

Well, I have to say our first Christmas as our own family unit was wonderful! Here are a few highlights:

Christmas Eve was spent at my Aunt Marlene's house where there was turkey dinner and Grandpa's Soup. All members of the 4th generation were there and we got a picture with all of them. My cousin Ryan and his wife Marcie also have twin boys, Connor and Caleb, who are now 8 years old; they're the ones holding our twins. Then there's my brother's kids, Isabella and Donovan, in the middle.

After a wonderful night of fun, food and laughter, Miles and I went home and put the boys to bed way too late. But that's was special occasions are for, right?

Christmas morning we got up with boys and after they were fed we opened our presents. This may be the only year I get to open up all the presents, so I enjoyed myself :) We're not very avid picture takers, so this is the only one we took of Christmas morning. These are blankets Grams made for the boys.

I also got the boys Texas Longhorn shirts they can wear to support Miles' favorite college football team. So Boxing Day, we had clones wandering all around!

We went out to the time share my parents have up in Canmore and Miles and I took advantage of the boys having a nap and extra family around to go for a hike. It's been a long time since I've done snow angels, and man did it ever feel good!

The weather was so nice. We need to get out the mountains and enjoy winter a little more!

The rest of the day was spent with my family playing games and having a good time, just as the holidays should be.

Hope the rest of you had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Eww, Gross!!!

Note to self:

Remember to put a cloth that can absorbe spit-up on the play mat. That way it will NOT get all over your kids face when hes on his belly and puts his face down...

 Thank goodness Austin is patient with me.

Special Day

Yesterday Miles and I celebrated a wonderful 7 years of wedded bliss together. It started out with by going to the mall to get me a very special something, then we went out to Griffen Valley Ranch for a wagon ride with horses and hay. It was a nice winter activity to do with the boys and my extended family.

We then went out for dinner with our friends Brandon and Jamie, as is our habit, since we share our anniversary with them.

My brother and sister-in-law, Dennis and Chelsea, were kind enough to babysit for us so we could have a carefree time. Thanks so much, guys!

It was a great celebration and I look forward to an infinite number of years to come and enjoying them with my ever growing family :)

Friday, December 9, 2011


The boys have been in their new room and crib for almost two weeks now and they love it. Okay, I don't really know, but I say this because they're so well behaved, they can't NOT like it...

Anytime the boys go bed, whether it be at night or for their naps, I keep a couple of things constant so they know it's bedtime. Of all the books I've read and websites I've visited, and by my own instinct, I find that routine is key. Not necessarily when you do something, but it's how you do it.

So this is what I do:
As soon as they show signs of drowsiness, such as less movement or talking, rubbing the eyes, taking longer blinks, etc, I take them up to bed. They like to be swaddled, so I wrap them up, then place them in the crocheted sleep sacs my mom made for them.

I had just put Lincoln down 30 seconds before Austin, and check it out: he's out! They don't always take their soothers, but I always offer them. Sometimes just the sucking will result in closed eyes.

I then put a flannel blanket over their eyes. This also results closed eyes almost right away. They know that once that blanket is on their face, it's lights out!

And 10 minutes later, I come back, not a peep. Look what I find!

Often when they wake up, it's to smiley 'hellos'. But sometimes they're just hungry and angry, and sometimes they're just chill...

I sure do count my blessings, and I hope they continue they're awesome sleep habits, cuz I know some people who have had it rough and I don't envy them one bit!